Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My Plan

So, I talk often in my blog about wanting to write and making a stronger attempt to write each day. I have created a schedule for myself.

Each day I must:

1) Write for an hour on my book or book related material.

2) I must take at least 2 good quality pictures and 10 total pictures.

3) Exercise for 30 minutes.

4) Read for 20 minutes.


This is all minimum requirements. I can do more than this allotted time. The schedule has been made so that I make sure that I do each of these very important things each day. I put to dream on there because I feel like I have lost touch with my dreams and I have become more routed in reality. I find myself becoming an adult who loses touch with his/her dreams because they feel unreachable, unrealistic and imractical. I don't want to be one of those people who sells out and stops dreaming! I am going to write in a minute about my experiences with the homeless in Korea. Here are my two best pictures of the day.

"We live on the brink of disaster because we do not know how to let life alone. We do not respect the living and fruitful contradictions and paradoxes of which life is full."
--Thomas Merton