Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Sun Magazine

There's a magazine that I love but that is not readily available. You won't find it at the checkout counter at the grocery store. You won't even find it at Barnes & Noble or Borders. The maazine was started by Sy Syfransky in the 1970s. He used his last twenty-some dollars to start up a literary magazine that would have art and no ads. The magazine is The Sun.

The Sun has grown in recent years to include beautiful black and white pictures. In each issue, there is an interview or personal account about a political situation or social situation. This month's issue has a great piece called "Seduced by War." Other wonderful regular features are Readers Write In (readers write about a subject), Sunbeams (quotes) and journal entries from Syfransky. Every issue also includes thought-provoking poetry, short stories and personal essays. I highly recommend this magazine for its originality and quality. It's a bit pricey at $4.85 US or $5.50 Canada. But it is well worth it. You can subscribe to it like me and save money or find it at some small book stores or hippy stores. Oh, and they offer a free issue. But let me tell you, if you receive the free issue and read it, you'll be hooked!

"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical means, but ny an infinite expectation of the dawn."

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